A 67-year-old male presented to the emergency department with left neck pain and swelling after meeting with a traffic accident. The neck computed tomography (CT) revealed a multifocal contrast media extravasation from the left internal jugular vein (IJV) and a severe mass affecting the diffuse soft tissue infiltrating and thickening the deep cervical and superficial cervical spaces (
Fig. 1). The left cervical portion was compressed with a sand bag (
Fig. 2). The patency of both IJV was confirmed in the neck ultrasound on the following morning (
Fig. 3). One week later, follow-up CT revealed total recanalization of the occluded left IJV, marked absorption of preexisting hematoma located in the deep neck spaces, and a bulging caused by liquefaction of the resolving hematoma in the left masticator and posterior cervical space (
Fig. 4). The left IJV, not found in threedimensional angiographic images in the neck CT, was observed again after 1 week (
Fig. 5).